Tuesday 15 July 2008

The Most Important Paper Of My Life

The Certificate of BannsThe Certificate of Banns. Some might know what the heck I am saying, but to be married, you are usually married by license through the civil registration process. So it is like, publicising your intention to get marry in the local offices of your residential area for 21 days before you are actually allow to get married. However, if you are getting married in the church, you are being married by banns. This meant that the priest would call the banns (intention to get marry) in the church three Sundays in a row during the Sunday services. After three announcements and there is no objection, you will be produced a certificate of banns. (Just in case you both reside in two different parish, you will need show it to the priest to prove that banns has been called.
Tadahhh!!! Here is mine and hubby's and as we both live in the same premise, we only have one certificate and it mentioned both our names.

The Certificate of Marriage

The most important paper of my life, the few signatures that I had made on the 8th of July 2008, the date I willremember for the rest of my life. This date signifies that I am no longer a girl, I am a lady now! I am a wife, the wife of Mr Eng Soon Yeap. LOL! I am now known as Mrs Yeap now. You can see the name of the church that we registered at, the date, our names, our age when we got married (exact age according to your birth date), our occupations, our addresses, our dad's names and their occupations. After we signed the papers, our witnesses of marriage, the best man, Andy and the maid of honour, Michelle had to sign it. Michelle's signature was AS STILL AS 10 years ago. It never changed!! LOL!

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